She pointed out that I have been writing these novels for years - first as young adult stories, then I rewrote them as adult stories. When I actually think about what I have produced, I have spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours creating the Anandrian Series. WOW! What an investment...
Then I began to think about the time (investment) the reader must use to read my novels - very considerable in our hectic lives.
Tonight, I have been drawn back to the hours I have been investing as I face more hours of editing. Yes, it took about a year to write the last book in the series, but now that it is complete, I have to go back and reread it and look for errors - grammatical errors, timeline errors, errors in the magic rules that i have created, character errors (Blue eyes? Brown?), errors from one novel to the next.
OMG! When I write it out, the task almost seems overwhelming.
Then I have to reread it again, because you always miss something. And after I submit it for an evaluation read by my editor,