Now, on to a great Mother's Day.
My daughter, Laura Heaney, (the cover artist and the main heroine in my stories) spent the afternoon with me on the swing in the back yard. First, she went over several selections that I chose last night when the incredibly loud deluge woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. These selections I have been choosing are to be used at readings. I will be visiting a senior's home in June, and Locke Street Library in October. Between the two of us, we selected 3 lovely segments that help to describe my unique characters in Destiny Calls.
1) the Prologue: Sets the scene for the whole story
2) A scene where Vaaron explains "their story" to Laura so she understands where and how she fits into Anandria, a magical dimension where the meanings of names enhance one's powers.
3) A scene where Vaaron comes to Earth and is stunned by downtown Toronto and Earth's technology.
Finally, Laura suggested one scene from my second book, Destiny Reclaimed, where Diana fights a sea serpent.
None of the scenes are "spoilers", and now I am really looking forward to doing some of these readings. I think it should be a lot of fun. Just reading the scenes to her this afternoon brought back a lot of happy memories of when I read the original young adult version of this story to my grade 8 classes. Since those early days, I can truly say that the story is richer and more interesting with the rewrite for an adult audience.
Our conversation also veered off into a discussion about a 4th book. I have left one character hanging, and the world as we know it has changed forever at the end of the third book. There are so many ways I could take the story - so many different story lines. Once the third book is published, and I have had time to promote all 3 books, I want to have a day back on that swing in the backyard with my 2 daughters and simply brainstorm possibilities! How exciting! It gives me chills just contemplating where the characters might go...