I took a week's vacation off in February to try to finish up my third book in the Anandrian Series, Destiny Fulfilled. The Friday before I was to start my vacation, I fell UP the stairs - yes, up the stairs as I ran to catch a phone call, and caught my toe on a step, which made me land on my hands. It hurt, but I thought, Shake it off. Well, a few days later I was in the urgent care centre getting my right wrist x-rayed. I was sure it was broken there was so much pain. Fortunately it wasn't broken, but the swelling in my right wrist (dominant hand) was bad enough that my fingers curled in and I felt excruciating pain at the slightest touch. There went my vacation and my writing time. The vacation ended, and I had to take another week off work! Still no writing unless I typed with my left hand - tried that and it was SLOW. Third week in, and the swelling had lessened, BUT every time I held a pen and began to write, my hand cramped up - and I had a book signing event to go to the following week.
My manager at work gave me the name of a wonderful physiotherapist who specializes in hand injuries. Well, he got my hand functioning so that I could sign on the very day the event took place - I swear, the night before, the cramping was so bad I could have maybe done one book. As it was, I signed 14 copies of my 2 books - even personalizing them.
So now, I figure I'm in the clear... Yeah right!
We began a fitness challenge at work, and one of the challenges is to eat 5-9 fruits and veggies/day. No problem! I decided to chop up a bunch of lovely carrots, celery and cucumbers to use as my munchies at night. Well, don't I go and take a chunk off the end of my right thumb while cutting them! Several nights later, it has finally stopped throbbing. I am now catching up on sleep and letting it breath a bit from beneath the bandages. BUT, every once-in-a-while, I bang it and just about go through the roof. I have also discovered, I automatically space with my right thumb when I type. Type this... a-g-o-n-y.
They say things come in 3 - I'm wondering what more I can do to my right hand to prolong my drought in writing. This has been a most frustrating period for me.