I'm very excited to have finally reached this stage in my writing career. It's been an amazing journey. Last fall I was on 2 TV shows, had a wonderful newspaper article written about me, and just on March 13th, I had my first book signing event at INDIGO in Stoney Creek. WOW!
The feedback I am getting from people who have read my first novel is astonishing to me. These books were originally a family project with my daughter, Laura, as the heroine. I never expected to have so many people read and enjoy them. Thank you to my growing fan base!
Hopefully if you read Destiny Calls, you will be interested in the latest release, Destiny Reclaimed, which is a continuation of the story, only twenty years later. The second novel came about because Diana, my youngest daughter, wanted a role in the Anandria story. So, the second novel is for her. She gets to be "wicked" in this novel which, I think, secretly delights her.
And as a side note, I used the name David for Diana's twin because David is the name of my husband. Throughout my novels I have tried to incorporate immediate family member names (names give a person power in Anandria), and the meanings of those names have truly shaped the story line. At the back of each novel, I have listed the names of the characters, their meanings, and why I used them in the novels.
And as a final acknowledgement, I want to say thank you to my daughter, Laura, for the FABULOUS artwork she created for the covers on both novels. I can hardly wait to see what she draws for the third novel, Destiny Fulfilled! Both covers were drawn with pencil crayons (pencils are her medium of choice). If you are interested in seeing more of her art you can go to her website lauraheaney.com