Well, tonight, I started reading a book that I took out from the library. The blurb on the back intrigued me. I was ready to immerse myself in a great story. Then I started reading...
OMG! The dialogue was stilted and seemed really immature. The actions of the characters were equally bad. The acknowledgments at the beginning of the book told me that the author had an agent representing her, and a publishing team behind the book. How did the book get this far? This was the thought that kept going through my head as I read the story - and I read about 30 pages just in case it got better.
It is closing in on 2:00 am, and I felt compelled to look at my manuscript for Twisted Destiny, and I can say with great relief, that my writing, in my eyes, passes for the story that I want it to be. Sure it needs polishing, but even before that happens, it reads so much better than the book I attempted to read tonight. My doubts have vanished.
So, I have to thank the author of the book I attempted to read tonight. In my isolation, I let insecurities sneak into my consciousness - but now, after comparing what I have written with what I have read tonight, I have no more doubts about the story I am creating. Hopefully, my reading team will also find Twisted Destiny entertaining when I send them the latest updates.
P.S. I've been looking for a twisted wand that Laura, my daughter and artist for the covers of my books, could draw. I picture it as being dark and gnarly - very ugly. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to find a stick that matches this description. I need to get out in the woods. If you find such a nasty looking stick I would love to see a photo of it.